facial treatments

Rosacea – Best makeup tips

You’ve been diagnosed with rosacea or suspect you have it?  Possibly you are thinking back to your childhood seeing your Auntie Dot with awful thick reddened cheeks, and you, looking in the mirror - just wonder. Your cheeks, chin and between your eyes just seem to be always red and get redder when … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Best makeup tips

Seasonal Skin Changes and What To Do About Them

Autumn – how do we know it’s here? Well, my 2½-year-old grandson used to tell me with expansive waves of his arms “Grandma - it’s when the leaves on the trees turn yellow and go all crinkly and crunchy !!” He was right, of course, and as a proud Grandma I would tell him so, using my own expansive … [Read more...] about Seasonal Skin Changes and What To Do About Them

Treating Uneven Skin Tone and Pigmentation

Do you have uneven skin tone, brown spots or melasma on your face? Do you find them unsightly and would like the spots to vanish, returning your skin to the way it used to be? When it comes to treating uneven skin tone and pigmentation it can be difficult to know where to start! Uneven skin tone, … [Read more...] about Treating Uneven Skin Tone and Pigmentation