The Science

Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care

Ageing, Sun-Damaged Skin? Growth Factors Are What You Need! Growth Factors are natural substances made by our cells to maintain healthy skin. They essentially control everything - regulate cell production, growth, division and maturation! We need them to keep healthy and looking good with a … [Read more...] about Growth Factors – the New Age of Skin Care

Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin

Alpha Lipoic acid – does your skin need it? Alpha Lipoic acid, also known as Lipoic acid, ALA or thioctic acid is a very special antioxidant, both for our skin as well as our bodies and brains. Like other antioxidants, it can be taken orally (food and drink) as well as applied topically. It is … [Read more...] about Alpha Lipoic Acid – Antioxidants for Youthful Skin

Shea Butter – Best Kept Secret for Winter Dryness

Shea Butter has been a universally loved ingredient in skin care products for centuries. It is the superfood for skin as it is naturally high in essential fatty acids, Vitamins E, D, A, plus many minerals. The five main fatty acids are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and arachidic acids. The … [Read more...] about Shea Butter – Best Kept Secret for Winter Dryness

Best Products for Dehydrated Skin

Young, healthy skin holds water well, but from around age 25, the skin begins to lose its ability to retain it, showing signs of dehydrated skin, and with this its ability to function well. Our skin is such a complex organ, continuing to work even when missing essential nutrients, that we often … [Read more...] about Best Products for Dehydrated Skin

New Technology in Skin Care

At the Skin Care Clinic, we love seeing our clients achieving the results they want. The products that we use are cosmeceutical, meaning that they have a therapeutic benefit and are designed to promote change on a cellular level. Over the years there have been many advancements within technology in … [Read more...] about New Technology in Skin Care

Chirality In Your Skin Care

Chirality ensures your skin can have more effective, purer, safer ingredients penetrating deeper. The skin, which is the body’s largest organ, has millions of chiral receptors; they are on every single cell. These receptors can be affected by what you put on your skin, so if a substance is … [Read more...] about Chirality In Your Skin Care

How to read a label – natural, organic or science based products?

What does Natural, Organic and Science based really mean - it's all in the label. Learning how to distinguish between natural, organic and certified organic personal care products and those based on artificial ingredients lies in the ability to decipher labels. First, understand that a product … [Read more...] about How to read a label – natural, organic or science based products?

Common Toxic Chemicals to avoid in your skin care products

Toxic chemical's as ingredients in personal care products slowly build up in your system and/or your skin over time creating a dehydrated, more sensitive, reactive skin which is in poor health. For this reason alone it is best to avoid them. Here are some of the common ones. SLS - Sodium … [Read more...] about Common Toxic Chemicals to avoid in your skin care products

Antioxidants – Vitamins for skin

[themedy_alertbox icon="" colour="yellow" custom_colour=""]Read the theory below or jump straight to our recommended antioxidant products (click here).[/themedy_alertbox] Antioxidants in Skin Care - one vital step to slow the aging process! What are antioxidants? They are chemicals that are able … [Read more...] about Antioxidants – Vitamins for skin

Water – Life Saver and Regenerator

Our body is made up of between 60-75% water depending on the stage of life we are in. 15% of our body weight is water which is around 4-5 kg in a normal sized adult. We know it is very important to our general well-being however studies are showing that when we are dehydrated our cognitive … [Read more...] about Water – Life Saver and Regenerator