Antioxidants & Vitamin A

Seasonal Skin Changes and What To Do About Them

Autumn – how do we know it’s here? Well, my 2½-year-old grandson used to tell me with expansive waves of his arms “Grandma - it’s when the leaves on the trees turn yellow and go all crinkly and crunchy !!” He was right, of course, and as a proud Grandma I would tell him so, using my own expansive … [Read more...] about Seasonal Skin Changes and What To Do About Them

Best Products for Dehydrated Skin

Young, healthy skin holds water well, but from around age 25, the skin begins to lose its ability to retain it, showing signs of dehydrated skin, and with this its ability to function well. Our skin is such a complex organ, continuing to work even when missing essential nutrients, that we often … [Read more...] about Best Products for Dehydrated Skin

Treating Uneven Skin Tone and Pigmentation

Do you have uneven skin tone, brown spots or melasma on your face? Do you find them unsightly and would like the spots to vanish, returning your skin to the way it used to be? When it comes to treating uneven skin tone and pigmentation it can be difficult to know where to start! Uneven skin tone, … [Read more...] about Treating Uneven Skin Tone and Pigmentation

New Technology in Skin Care

At the Skin Care Clinic, we love seeing our clients achieving the results they want. The products that we use are cosmeceutical, meaning that they have a therapeutic benefit and are designed to promote change on a cellular level. Over the years there have been many advancements within technology in … [Read more...] about New Technology in Skin Care

Vitamin C for After-Sun Skin Care

Enjoyed a day out? Sunny, fun, laughter-filled day with family and friends. It’s been so good, but your skin feels a little tight and on glancing in the mirror you notice some redness. Oh dear, you think, did I get too much sun? Vitamin C for After-Sun Skin Care... You wore a hat – most of the … [Read more...] about Vitamin C for After-Sun Skin Care

Rosacea – What it is and how to treat it!

Do you suffer with flushing of the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead? You may have Rosacea... Early diagnosis is the easy key to successful management of Rosacea, however, with the right information you can manage and treat it at any stage. Rosacea occurs when groups of capillaries close to the … [Read more...] about Rosacea – What it is and how to treat it!

Ageing Skin – The Sun’s Influence In How You Look!

Ageing skin - how and why? As we age naturally, new cell growth slows and the healing of damaged cells is less efficient, cell DNA is changed which means that the new cells being replicated are also damaged. As a consequence, the amount of healthy collagen and elastin fibres in your skin are … [Read more...] about Ageing Skin – The Sun’s Influence In How You Look!

Preparing Your Skin For Summer

It’s Party Time!! The next 2 months for most of us are chock full of entertainment. Whether it’s the Spring Racing Carnival, the office Christmas party, or with friends and family, there are more opportunities to wear that fancy frock, stay up late, drink more wine and eat “yummy” foods which you … [Read more...] about Preparing Your Skin For Summer

Skin Care for the Party Season – 10 Super Tips to Make it Easy

  You’re busy – right? No time for fussing over a complex skin care routine? Just want to know how to look good every day whilst working full time, partying every weekend, having drinks after work, juggling the family and preparing for ALL the extended family coming for a hot Celebratory lunch … [Read more...] about Skin Care for the Party Season – 10 Super Tips to Make it Easy

Sensitive and Reactive Skin

Sensitive and reactive skin is not pleasant at the best of times, and unfortunately it makes finding skincare difficult. The last thing you want to do is try 100 different options, leaving you in more pain that when you started. But, you're desperate to solve the issue once and for all. Sensitive … [Read more...] about Sensitive and Reactive Skin

Antioxidants – Vitamins for skin

[themedy_alertbox icon="" colour="yellow" custom_colour=""]Read the theory below or jump straight to our recommended antioxidant products (click here).[/themedy_alertbox] Antioxidants in Skin Care - one vital step to slow the aging process! What are antioxidants? They are chemicals that are able … [Read more...] about Antioxidants – Vitamins for skin

Four must have Products for Wrinkles

    Four product varieties to help you age gracefully: Of course you need your cleanser as it is pointless adding a serum or cream to your face if it is not clean, but after you have patted dry -  if you are concerned about having a healthy skin which can therefore age well, or even … [Read more...] about Four must have Products for Wrinkles

Tricks of the Trade – For Men / Unisex

Rosie's Tricks of the Trade - for MEN - but we won't tell if you are not a man and find this interesting! It's all relevant for everyone. Tricks of the Trade?! There are 3 simple products to get you started - easy!   1. Why use a cleanser? Tricks of the Trade... Throughout the day, our skin … [Read more...] about Tricks of the Trade – For Men / Unisex

Rosacea – Client stories

Ronnie’s story Rosacea, when Gaye asked me to write about how I feel about my face since beginning treatment for my rosacea, the first thing to come to mind was the way I feel about myself now.  After struggling with rosacea for so long, I was starting to feel that it was getting worse with … [Read more...] about Rosacea – Client stories

Three Warriors self tanning range – restore dehydrated skin’s winter glow

Feeling a bit pasty this time of year, but don’t want to go down the spray tan road? We have the answer!! The amazing, Tasmanian made, certified organic, Three Warriors self tanning range. Gradual Tan Self-Tan Mousse Full Body Life Scrub Eco-friendly Tanning Mitt First things first, … [Read more...] about Three Warriors self tanning range – restore dehydrated skin’s winter glow

Dehydrated Skin

Dehydrated skin - winter skin needs some special care Will drinking more water help? As you age your skin loses its capacity to change with the change of season, often becoming dehydrated during the Winter which can be a surprise as it's considered a “wet” season with more moisture in the air. The … [Read more...] about Dehydrated Skin

Menopause; the hormone years!

Menopause or “The change” as it is colloquially known will eventually effect you if you are a woman, there is no escaping it!  Physiologically, changes begin to happen in the ovaries usually around the late 40’s, finalising when your body says so. The whole out of our control process often lasts … [Read more...] about Menopause; the hormone years!

Luxury Essentials for the more mature skin

so... what are the luxury essentials in the 6 Luxury Essentials for the more mature skin You have a cleanser you love, and a moisturiser? sunblock. You always use a Vitamin A at night and your Vitamin C, E and B in the morning - but your skin still is dry at times, looks a little dull, how about … [Read more...] about Luxury Essentials for the more mature skin

Influencing factors in ageing well

So why are we delving into the influencing factors in skincare?  We have an amazing founder who has a wealth of knowledge that she kindly shares and inspired us with every week, and... Guess who is turning 60! The clinic's creator & owner of 20 years! It's time to Celebrate Gaye's Birthday … [Read more...] about Influencing factors in ageing well

Fundamentals Of Skincare

Is it time to rethink your skin care regime? Throughout the year, your skin can change due to many factors, such as the climate or UV exposure. Some of these factors can age skin faster, cause breakouts, and make it feel dry or oily, leaving you not feeling as happy about how we look. Maybe that … [Read more...] about Fundamentals Of Skincare

Vitamin B serum – your skin needs it

Why do we prescribe a Vitamin B serum for almost everyone’s skin? Your skin loves it! It doesn't matter if your 21 or 61, your skin will benefit from this little gem. Vitamin B skin care is a wonder because it is so versatile! Not only does it perform so many beneficial functions for the skin on … [Read more...] about Vitamin B serum – your skin needs it

SAVE YOUR SKIN! Best antioxidants before and after the sun

Did you over expose your skin this season?     Whether in the sun or snow you’ve increased the rate it ages and the fact that you are reading this tells me you care about this fact. Skin that ages faster than normal is not healthy skin. Normal aging results from the … [Read more...] about SAVE YOUR SKIN! Best antioxidants before and after the sun

Summer skin – made easy with Vitamin C!

I hope you are sitting down, have a wine or cuppa at your side and you are feeling relaxed. I promised you a little story about your skin, summer, ageing  and Vitamin C - I hope you can enjoy and have 5 minutes of chill-out time amidst the chaos of life! Get ready for sunshine, outdoors and … [Read more...] about Summer skin – made easy with Vitamin C!

Dermafrac! Best skin treatments in one

Have a sneak peek at our latest video on Dermafrac to get an insider's perspective on how it all works! This treatment is ideal for sun damaged and thickened skins, which means that our men will love it too! Watch Emma as she talks us through the treatment step-by-step!  Dermafrac! This is a great … [Read more...] about Dermafrac! Best skin treatments in one